The focus of Ayurvedic treatment methods is to restore balance and activate the body's self-healing powers. With soothing massages, body wraps, peelings as well as cleansing and firming facial treatments, we can act quickly and effectively against stress, aging and deficiency.

Ayurvedic massages and treatments

Carried out with warm vegetable oils, the Abhyanga full body massage is one of the most beneficial and effective forms of treatment in Ayurvedic health. Abhyanga has many positive effects on the body as well as on the psyche of people.
60min. 50€      

90min. 75€  oder 110min. 95€

Deeply acting Ayurvedic back massage that strengthens your back and reststores the flow of energy along your spine.
30min. 30€
60min. 50€

Massage for face, neck and head. During the massage, certain energy points - marma points - and chakras are stimulated and harmonized. It is even said that mukabhyanga improves memory and helps with emotional tensions such as lovesickness.
60min. 50€

Padabhanga is an activating Ayurvedic foot reflexology massage. The focus is on the individual toes, the soles and back of the feet, the joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons as well as the lower legs and knees. The Padabhyanga affects the whole body.

60min. 50€

Sounds penetrate the body and stimulate the flow of energy into the smallest cells. Relaxation, joy, pure lightness. The treatment begins with a full body oiling.
90min. 80€

The treatment begins with a deep back massage. Relaxation, joy and lightness.
60min. 55€

Relaxing massage with warm herbal stamps. the skin and body tissue is supplied with blood and activated.
90min. 90€

Very deep massage (pressure) of a the vital points on body. Can be used for back pain.
60min. 70€

is an Ayurvedic dry massage for the whole body with raw silk gloves. The Garshan massage is used in Ayurveda especially for activation and stimulation and is particularly suitable for Kapha constitutions. Effects of Garshan massage: it improves blood circulation, strengthens and tones tissues and removes cellulite. It has a strong activating, stimulating and detoxifying effect.
30min. 30 €

Shirodhara is the Ayurvedic forehead pouring. It is performed with warm oil that flows over the forehead and head. It calms the whole nervous system, relaxes the mind and is also recommended for sleep disorders, headaches, tinnitus, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, dizziness, memory loss and eye diseases. 

60min 65€ - 40min back or face massage + Shirodhara 20min

80min. 85 € (60min. Massage + 20min. Shirodhara)

is an Ayurvedic nasal cleansing, a cleansing therapy that takes place through the nostrils. It conducts cold and phlegm (Kapha) from the head area. This treatment is recommended for migraines, eye problems, tinnitus, hoarseness, sinusitis, hay fever, but also for neuralgic facial pain.
60 min. 55€
Filling the external auditory canals with oil is a classic Ayurveda application to relieve nervous tension, ear noises / tinnitus, stiff jaw and neck tension. Karna Purana can be used for complete relaxation as part of a full body oil massage. All senses withdraw and can adjust to inner peace.
With a back, neck and jaw massage 75min. 70 €

Herbal oil bath in a ring made from chickpea flour dough. Highly effective warm medicinal oils are used, which penetrate deeper structures due to their long exposure time. It is used for back pain, tension, sciatica, kidney pain and degenerative diseases.
60 min. 70 € (40min massage incl.)
80min. 90 €

The Ayurvedic aroma oil massage  is a full body massage with essential oils made from original Ayurvedic herbs. The effects range from harmonizing, balancing, activating to grounding.
60 min. 55 €
90min. 75 €
Tinnitus TreatmentMany people often suffer from severe back, neck and jaw tension due to stress. Sometimes even annoying noises in the ears (tinnitus) and teeth grinding occur. Through this burden one loses the joy of life and life becomes a great burden. Read more...

Udvarthana is a powerful energizing powder massage that is used to reduce fat tissue.
Udsadana is an energizing massage with a paste made from herbal powder and Ayurvedic oils, it makes the skin smooth and gentle.
Both massages have a strong peeling effect. Particularly recommended for Kapha types, as well as for Pitta types that cannot tolerate sesame oil.
90 min. 90 €